HAMZA BEY KÜLLİYESİ Külliye nin Bayezit paşa (1.MEHMET ve II.MURAT ın veziri) nin kardeşi olduğu Bilinen İzmir fatihi lakap lı HAMZA bey ta...
Külliye nin Bayezit paşa (1.MEHMET ve II.MURATın veziri) nin kardeşi olduğu Bilinen İzmir fatihi
lakap lı HAMZA bey tarafından yaptırıldığı bilinmektedir cami medrese imaret ve beş türbeden oluşan külliyeden günümüze cami ile üç türbe ulaşmıştır.Hamza bey camii Fatih sultan Mehmet döneminde (1451-1481)Bursa da inşa edilmiş Mescitlerin en büyüğü olup Hamza bey külliyesinin ana yapısıdır mescit 1614 te kazasker Muallimzade Ahmet efendi tarafından Mimber İlavesiyle camiye Çevrilmiştir zaviyeli (tabhaneli) camiler gurubuna giren yapı son cemaat yeri mihrap önü mekanı asıl ibadet mekanı ve bu mekanın iki yanında yer alan Tabhenelerden Oluşmaktadır.Camii 2013 yılında restore edilmiştir HAMZA BEY TÜRBESİ Türbe Hamza bey camii avlusunun kuzey batı köşesindedir 15.yüzyıl da inşa edilmiştir Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1462 yılında eflak a gönderdiği heyette yer alan Hamza bey Voyvoda vlad tapeş (kazıklı voyvoda ) tarafından heyetin diğer üyeleriyle birlikte Öldürülmüş daha sonra İstanbul a getirilen naaşı Bursa ya defnedilmiştir Hamza beyin kinden başka on iki sandukanın yer aldığı türbenin içi Oldukça sade olup mihrabı Mukarnaslıdır Hamza bey in eşi ve kızları türbesi camii nin batı duvarına bitişik olan türbede bulunan Üç sandukanın Hamza beyin eşi ve kızına ait olduğu bilinmektedir Kara Mustafa paşa türbesi türbe Hamza beyin torunu ve II.Bayezid in damadı olan Kara Mustafa paşaya aittir iç mekanda beş adet sanduka bulunmaktadır.
he is brother batezid paşa grand vizier of çelebi sultan mehmet .he served as grand vizier of sultan murad II.commissioned to conguer te islands by the navy forces during fatih period hamze bey is the commander who transported the navy over the ground to haliç as he defeat uzun hasan and recaptured koyunhisar he was commissioned as the presidend of anatolian flag officer to defead karamanoğlu ishak and he succeed he was commissioned as a delagate to walachia by fatih sultan mehmet wallachia prince vlad (known as vlad the impaler) impaled and killed him together with twenty thousand villager and his frieds (1461).funeral of him was brought to bursa and buried in the tomb
in the district with the same name
Hamza bey buıldıng complex includes a mosgue madrasah bath soup kitchen and tomb Madrasah soup kitchen and bath could not extent there are many unknown grave stones in the yard of the complex
the buıldıng is constructed in 1477 by hamza bey the vizier of sultan Murat II.and Fatih it is one of the important example of the ''^''planed mosgue built as a small praying place durıng fatih sultan mehmet period the building is converted to amosgue by kazasker muallimzade ahmed efendi adding pulpit to the building ıt is the biggestmosgue built during fatih period in bursa entrance of the mosgue praying place and gust house for poor are covored by a doom final assembly place includes five sections all of which are covered with dooms
ıt is located in the yard at the nortwest of hamza bey mosgue ıt is constructed in 15th except for the grave of hamza bey died in 1461 the tomb includes thirteen plaster covored sarcophaguses there of which are smaller the building with an octagon plan is covered with doom the entrance at the north side is bursa arcade
the tomb adjacent to the hamza bey mosgue is constructed in 15th century the tomb includes the graves of wife and two daughters of hamza bey the building constructed on a sguare plan with 6.46x6.81 meters internal sizes is covered a doom there are zigzag brick ornaments at the north side of the tomb
vizier kara mustafa paşa is son of hamza bey and husband of hatice sultan daughter of sultan beyazıt II.he serviced as commander during fatih sultan mehmet and vizier during sultan beyazıt II.he was excuted in 1483 in sögüt as he took side in the sultan cem case he was buried close to hamza bey tomb in bursa ıt is suggested that kara mustafa hot spring is constructed by him
the building is located at the north of hamza bey mosgue ıt is gathered from the 1291/1874 dated restoration epigraph on its door that the building restoredin 1855after collapsing in the earthguake and restored build on a 10x10 meter sguare plan the topside of the tomb is covred with an octagon pulley doom the middle of the doom which is accessed from turkish triangles is open except for the sarcophagus of kara mustafa the tomb contains four sarcophaguses
Külliye nin Bayezit paşa (1.MEHMET ve II.MURATın veziri) nin kardeşi olduğu Bilinen İzmir fatihi
lakap lı HAMZA bey tarafından yaptırıldığı bilinmektedir cami medrese imaret ve beş türbeden oluşan külliyeden günümüze cami ile üç türbe ulaşmıştır.Hamza bey camii Fatih sultan Mehmet döneminde (1451-1481)Bursa da inşa edilmiş Mescitlerin en büyüğü olup Hamza bey külliyesinin ana yapısıdır mescit 1614 te kazasker Muallimzade Ahmet efendi tarafından Mimber İlavesiyle camiye Çevrilmiştir zaviyeli (tabhaneli) camiler gurubuna giren yapı son cemaat yeri mihrap önü mekanı asıl ibadet mekanı ve bu mekanın iki yanında yer alan Tabhenelerden Oluşmaktadır.Camii 2013 yılında restore edilmiştir HAMZA BEY TÜRBESİ Türbe Hamza bey camii avlusunun kuzey batı köşesindedir 15.yüzyıl da inşa edilmiştir Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1462 yılında eflak a gönderdiği heyette yer alan Hamza bey Voyvoda vlad tapeş (kazıklı voyvoda ) tarafından heyetin diğer üyeleriyle birlikte Öldürülmüş daha sonra İstanbul a getirilen naaşı Bursa ya defnedilmiştir Hamza beyin kinden başka on iki sandukanın yer aldığı türbenin içi Oldukça sade olup mihrabı Mukarnaslıdır Hamza bey in eşi ve kızları türbesi camii nin batı duvarına bitişik olan türbede bulunan Üç sandukanın Hamza beyin eşi ve kızına ait olduğu bilinmektedir Kara Mustafa paşa türbesi türbe Hamza beyin torunu ve II.Bayezid in damadı olan Kara Mustafa paşaya aittir iç mekanda beş adet sanduka bulunmaktadır.
he is brother batezid paşa grand vizier of çelebi sultan mehmet .he served as grand vizier of sultan murad II.commissioned to conguer te islands by the navy forces during fatih period hamze bey is the commander who transported the navy over the ground to haliç as he defeat uzun hasan and recaptured koyunhisar he was commissioned as the presidend of anatolian flag officer to defead karamanoğlu ishak and he succeed he was commissioned as a delagate to walachia by fatih sultan mehmet wallachia prince vlad (known as vlad the impaler) impaled and killed him together with twenty thousand villager and his frieds (1461).funeral of him was brought to bursa and buried in the tomb
in the district with the same name
Hamza bey buıldıng complex includes a mosgue madrasah bath soup kitchen and tomb Madrasah soup kitchen and bath could not extent there are many unknown grave stones in the yard of the complex

ıt is located in the yard at the nortwest of hamza bey mosgue ıt is constructed in 15th except for the grave of hamza bey died in 1461 the tomb includes thirteen plaster covored sarcophaguses there of which are smaller the building with an octagon plan is covered with doom the entrance at the north side is bursa arcade

vizier kara mustafa paşa is son of hamza bey and husband of hatice sultan daughter of sultan beyazıt II.he serviced as commander during fatih sultan mehmet and vizier during sultan beyazıt II.he was excuted in 1483 in sögüt as he took side in the sultan cem case he was buried close to hamza bey tomb in bursa ıt is suggested that kara mustafa hot spring is constructed by him
the building is located at the north of hamza bey mosgue ıt is gathered from the 1291/1874 dated restoration epigraph on its door that the building restoredin 1855after collapsing in the earthguake and restored build on a 10x10 meter sguare plan the topside of the tomb is covred with an octagon pulley doom the middle of the doom which is accessed from turkish triangles is open except for the sarcophagus of kara mustafa the tomb contains four sarcophaguses