C EM SULTAN TÜRBESİ/MURADİYE KÜLLiYE'Sİ Türbe fatih Sultan Mehmed'in oğlu Şehzade Mustafa için yaptırılmıştır Şehzade Mustafa 1474...
Türbe fatih Sultan Mehmed'in oğlu Şehzade Mustafa için yaptırılmıştır Şehzade Mustafa 1474.yılında Niğde yakınlarında vefat etmiş önce Konya'ya sonrada Bursa'ya getirilerek amcası Alaaddin Bey'in Türbesine gömülmüştür 1479 yılında ise kendisi için yaptırılan bu Türbeye nakledilmiştir daha sonra Napoli'de vefat ederek cenazesi 1499.da Bursa'ya getirilen Cem Sultan (Fatih Sultan Mehmed'in oğlu) da buraya gömülmüştür bu yüzden Türbenin adı günümüzde Cem Sultan Türbesi olarak anılmaktadır iç mekan duvarları İznik çinileriyle kaplı olup oldukça yoğun kalem işi süslemeler göze çarpmaktadır 19.yüzyıl sonlarında sıvanarak Barok süslemelerle kaplanan 16.yüzyıla ait özgün kalem işleri 2013 yılı restorasyonunda sıva raspası yapılarak yeniden özgünlüğünü kazanmıştır duvarlar firuze ve lacivert altıgen çinilerle kaplı olup çinilerin çevreleri ve ortaları altın yaldızlı rumi motifleriyle süslenmiştir içindeki dört adet mermer mezar Şehzade Mustafa Cem Sultan (vefatı 1495) ve II.Bayezıd'ın oğulları Şehzade Abdullah (vefatı 1485) ile Şehzade AlemŞah'a (vefatı 1503) aittir 2013-2014 yılları arasında Bursa Büyük Şehir Belediyesi tarafından geniş kapsamlı restorasyona tabi tutulan türbe 2014 yılında UNESCO dünya mirası olarak ilan edilen alan içerisinde yer almaktadır.
This mausoleum was built for shehzade Mustafa son of Mehmed the congueror shehzade Mustafa
died in 1474 near Niğde his funeral first was brought to Konya then to Bursa where he was buried in the mausoleum of his uncle Alaaddın Bey finally in 1479.his body was transferred to this mausoleum built for him later the funeral of Cem Sultan (son of Mehmed the congueror) who diedin naples was brought to Bursa in 1499where he was buried for this reason the mausoleum today in called Cem Sultan mausoleum the structure's walls are covared with İznik tiles and rich hand-drawn ornaments which are remarkable the 16th centruy ornaments were plastered in the late 19th centruy and covared by Baraque decaration elements during the 2013 restaration this plastering was rasped and the hand-drawn ornaments dating back to the 16th centruy below it appeared and thus were resurrected ıts walls are covared with turquoise and dark blue hexagonal glazed tiles centres of these tiles are decorated with gilded zoomorphic motifs the four marble tombs inside this mausoleum are those of Shehzade Mustafa Cem Sultan (died 1495) also the sons of Bayezıd II.Shehzade Abdullah (died 1485) and Shehzade Alemşah (died 1503) the mausoleum which was thoroughly restored by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality between 2013 and 2014 is located in the site which wasinscribed on the UNESCO world haritage list in 2014.


died in 1474 near Niğde his funeral first was brought to Konya then to Bursa where he was buried in the mausoleum of his uncle Alaaddın Bey finally in 1479.his body was transferred to this mausoleum built for him later the funeral of Cem Sultan (son of Mehmed the congueror) who diedin naples was brought to Bursa in 1499where he was buried for this reason the mausoleum today in called Cem Sultan mausoleum the structure's walls are covared with İznik tiles and rich hand-drawn ornaments which are remarkable the 16th centruy ornaments were plastered in the late 19th centruy and covared by Baraque decaration elements during the 2013 restaration this plastering was rasped and the hand-drawn ornaments dating back to the 16th centruy below it appeared and thus were resurrected ıts walls are covared with turquoise and dark blue hexagonal glazed tiles centres of these tiles are decorated with gilded zoomorphic motifs the four marble tombs inside this mausoleum are those of Shehzade Mustafa Cem Sultan (died 1495) also the sons of Bayezıd II.Shehzade Abdullah (died 1485) and Shehzade Alemşah (died 1503) the mausoleum which was thoroughly restored by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality between 2013 and 2014 is located in the site which wasinscribed on the UNESCO world haritage list in 2014.